[Discuss] what news do you read?

MBR mbr at arlsoft.com
Wed Dec 11 12:48:15 EST 2013

On 12/10/2013 10:26 AM, Eric Chadbourne wrote:
> I usually start my day with a cup of coffee and read through about a
> half dozen sites before starting work.  The technical websites I go to
> generally keep me happy.  The general news websites do not.  I hate
> the design.  I hate the writing.  I am annoyed by the marketing.  Pay
> walls suck.  For example, boston.com is practically unreadable without
> add blocking software and if you read too much they want money.
FWIW, there's a group for journalists and programmers called 
"Hacks/Hackers" that meets monthly at the Boston Globe.  Last year one 
of their presentations was by the programmers who'd designed and 
implemented the Globe's new mobile sites (bostonglobe.com targeted at 
Globe subscribers and boston.com targeted at non-subscribers).

Anyone can join the Meetup group 
http://www.meetup.com/hackshackersboston and attend their meetings.  
Show up at a meeting, and you'll be able to talk to lots of Globe 
staffers and give them an earful about what you hate about their 
redesigned website.

    Mark Rosenthal

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