[Discuss] Dev Ops - architecture (local not cloud)

Kent Borg kentborg at borg.org
Fri Dec 13 14:30:55 EST 2013

On 12/13/2013 01:42 PM, Edward Ned Harvey (dcu) wrote:
> >Whenever the power blinks at my job my computer stays happy, because I
> >have a tiny UPS that can ride out short outages.  But the rest of the services
> >on our network seem to take the better part of an hour to all come back.
> Sounds like a symptom of bad IT.

No contradiction from me on that.

Whenever IT gets beyond engineers managing their own machines, it tends 
towards bad.  Thankless job, that is not trivial, but usually tries to 
run on lists of inflexible policies and procedures.

>> Something else I long ago observed: Because ethernet degrades gracefully it
>> always operates degraded.
> Ethernet does NOT degrade gracefully.  A graceful degradation would be:  You have 11 machines on a network together.  1 is a server, and 10 are clients.  All 10 clients hammer the server, and all 10 of them each get 10% of the bandwidth that the server can sustain.

That would be "resists ambush robustly".  I mean screwed up 
configurations with broadcast packets going where they shouldn't and 
collisions happening when they shouldn't and no one notices unless it 
gets significantly bad, so it is always a little bad.


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