[Discuss] On-site backups revisited - rsnapshot vs. CrashPlan

Rich Braun richb at pioneer.ci.net
Fri Feb 22 16:03:33 EST 2013

Jerry Feldman <gaf at blu.org> wrote in support of simple:
> rsnapshot and the other rsync-based backups do not use databases.
> What this does is to create a duplicate directory tree of what
> you backed up.

Understood.  I'm addressing additional requirements besides just the backups. 
I want to keep a near-line record of all copies of the data that I have,
including those stored in an offline vault.  I also wanted a Nagios checker
that tells me in real-time what the state of backup integrity is.

I think I'm pretty much done with this topic, and I'm done with and am happy
with my home-brew software.  'Nuf said.


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