[Discuss] Server won't boot kernel. initramfs problem?

Laura Conrad lconrad at laymusic.org
Sat Feb 23 07:33:20 EST 2013

>>>>> "David" == David Kramer <david at thekramers.net> writes:

    David> One other suggestion I saw was to boot an older version of
    David> the kernel.  I have 4 different versions of initrd.img and
    David> the other files. Oddly, there's only the recent kernel in the
    David> grub boot menu (regular and recovery mode) and memtest.  I
    David> know that grub2 lost the ability to only list a certain
    David> number of kernels (MORE features lost for no reason), so I
    David> don't know why that would be.  I'm pretty sure
    David> update-initramfs found all 4 kernels, so I don't know why the
    David> others are not in the boot menu.

    David> Any other ideas?  Thanks.

I had a problem that might be relevant.   In my case, I was installing
new kernels as they came out, but grub wasn't booting (or listing) them.

It turned out that the install scripts for the new kernel I installed
were updating the new grub configuration file, and the version of grub I
had was using the old one.  So look at whether menu.lst has the old
kernels and grub.cfg doesn't.

I forget exactly how I fixed this, but I'm sure it involved completely
reinstalling grub2 and running some grub init script.

Laura   (mailto:lconrad at laymusic.org, twitter: @serpentplayer)
(617) 661-8097	233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139   
http://www.laymusic.org/ http://www.serpentpublications.org

Each one of my husbands tried to diminish my independence and my work
-- They all loved me most while I was cooking -- and I am not a good

Evelyn Cunningham, profile in The New York Times in 1998

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