[Discuss] The perpetual question: current "best" HDD?

Dan Ritter dsr at randomstring.org
Tue Jan 8 11:59:05 EST 2013

On Tue, Jan 08, 2013 at 11:17:11AM -0500, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Of course, when I bought the drives warranties were 3 or 5 years, not
> the '1 or 2' years they are now.  So I'm looking for the "best value"
> 2TB drives available today -- lowest price for highest quality + good
> warranty.  It looks like I can pretty much only choose between WD and
> Seagate nowadays -- I guess lots of consolidation in the market?  (My
> existing drives were Hitachi, which in my experience were always great
> drives).
> What's the current going theories and best practices?  Any concrete
> suggestions (links to NewEgg or some other vendor would be appreciated).

Don't buy "green" drives or anything that doesn't explicitly say

Seagate and WD both have drives rated for NAS duty at slight ($10-20) premiums over the They get a better warranty, as well. 

for instance,
is $130 rather than $110, for which you get a three year
warranty instead of two. 


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