[Discuss] Google Chrome

Richard Pieri richard.pieri at gmail.com
Wed Jul 3 10:39:45 EDT 2013

Jerry Feldman wrote:
> Secondly, it seems to affect the performance of Thunderbird. Many
> times if I run top(1) in a virtual terminal, both will be at the top.

I wouldn't worry about this too much. It's probably T-Bird rebuilding or 
cleaning up the global database. If you don't like it then turn it off. 
It is something of a pig.

>  A couple of customization questions

Google Chrome's UI look and behavior by and large cannot be changed. You 
get what Google gives you. Requests for changes are typically closed 
with "WontFix" tags. Bear this in mind when you run into UI issues.

> First, by default, Chrome has the tabs on top above the status bar,
> and I prefer the tabs to be below the panel. This might be a theme
> issue. I could not find it in settings.

Google does not permit this. Google has closed request for this option
with "WontFix". Same with the touchy-feely tablet menu spacing even on 
not tablets.

> Second. There are several web sites that reject Chrome. In Firefox
> there is a mode to pretend it is IE. Is there a way in Chrome to fool
> the site into thinking it is Firefox. (Again, I have not really
> researched this).

There's a user agent switcher in the Chrome webstore.  Dunnow if it
works or not. I dumped Chrome because of all the WontFix UI bugs.

Rich P.

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