[Discuss] our friend the nsa

Eric Chadbourne eric.chadbourne at gmail.com
Thu Sep 19 10:45:33 EDT 2013

------ Original Message ------
From: markw at mohawksoft.com
To: "Eric Chadbourne" <eric.chadbourne at gmail.com>
Cc: "BLU" <discuss at blu.org>
Sent: 9/19/2013 10:10:11 AM
Subject: Re: [Discuss] our friend the nsa
>I think we all agree that he *must* have been approached. The fact that 
>nodded his head yes bead said no is clear as to what happened. It 
>be clear that the fact that he was asked means a few things:
>(1) He has not said he did not put in a back door.
>(2) Others in the community were probably asked as well.
>(3) There are probably NSA agents involved in the Linux community 
>(4) It is quite likely there are multiple backdoors in Linux.

It seems, from my little apartment in Quincy, with no data to back this 
up, that it's safe to assume 1 through 3.  4 I don't know about.  I 
_feel_ safe with the kernel.  Gnome and the rest scare me.

Linus has balls the size of coconuts.  I bet his nod violated the NSL.  
It would be amusing if the NSA approached RMS.  He would get on a roof 
top with a megaphone and tell people.

- Eric

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