[Discuss] our friend the nsa

Kent Borg kentborg at borg.org
Thu Sep 19 11:29:59 EDT 2013

On 09/19/2013 10:45 AM, Eric Chadbourne quoted markw at mohawksoft.com:
 > (4) It is quite likely there are multiple backdoors in Linux.

Because it is open source it is harder to put in explicit backdoors.  
But because it is software there are bugs, and some likely have security 

I bet most of the security bugs are "honest" but some of the bugs are 
malicious.  But like a boxer pulling his punches and throwing a 
fight...it is sometimes hard to tell.  Of the honest bugs, you can be 
sure the NSA knows about some of them and isn't telling.  Maybe the 
Linux kernel has enough of them that the NSA doesn't need to weaken it, 
they can just use the weaknesses that are already there.


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