[Discuss] BTSync

Richard Pieri richard.pieri at gmail.com
Mon Apr 21 18:37:03 EDT 2014

Greg Rundlett (freephile) wrote:
> Git-annex and git-annex assistant are two useful (open source) tools for
> managing files with git.  I haven't looked into them fully, but they seem
> useful and offer some encryption options:

Git is a poor tool for file sync services. It's particularly bad with 
large binary files such as music and video libraries. It's very good at 
what it does but what it does isn't sync.

Tom Metro wrote:> Richard Pieri wrote:
 > Not only is it "not their entire code base", it isn't clear that it is
 > any of their code base. (Though chances are there is some overlap.)

I hadn't looked closely into what was there and I probably wouldn't have 
understood it anyway.

Rich P.

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