[Discuss] Asterisk specialist sought

Derek Martin invalid at pizzashack.org
Mon Dec 15 00:22:08 EST 2014

On Sun, Dec 14, 2014 at 10:06:46PM -0500, Bill Ricker wrote:
> friend, &/or Bil H)l, Gordon asked who was the source of the
> fossilized phraseology, the job-offerer (illegal) or the email-or
> (merely inadvisable), so he could new which to discount.  Bravo, well
> done.

No, not well done.  There was no real suggestion of offense or
discrimination in Bill's post.  There was nothing illegal in the post.
The comment does nothing to advance the plot, i.e. the topic of this
mailing list, which is Linux, not the ethics of human resources
practices, nor the language habits of technology people.  It's mostly
just gratuitous preaching, and is likely to incite irrelevant
arguments.  As such I don't think it belongs here. I'm not opposed to
discussing the politics of things that are relevant to Linux or
technology, but this isn't.  I'm not even against Gordon saying
something to Bill, if he feels strongly that he should--it just
doesn't belong on the list.  Which I suppose is all I should have said
in the first place...  

[It is not illegal per se to use gender-specific language in a formal
job posting (which this very clearly was not); it is the act of
discrimination which is illegal.  Gender-specific language simply
invites discrimination law suits--not interesting unless the plaintiff
can prove discrimination, with a preponderance of the evidence.  This
alone is very unlikely to be sufficient.  You're just wise to avoid it
to avoid getting sued, given the current climate.]

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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