[Discuss] protecting kids online

Bill Horne bill at horne.net
Wed Feb 5 23:21:35 EST 2014

On 2/5/2014 6:35 PM, Daniel Feenberg wrote:
> It is one thing to prevent accidentally landing on pornography and 
> quite another to prevent a determined user from finding pornography.
> The former is much easier than the latter, and I imagine that is all 
> that is really required with nearly all girls and most boys. I 
> wouldn't think of the two
> nieces mentioned in the OP as "advanced and determined" adversaries 
> for whom DNS limitations are nearly transparent.

Sorry to say it's much harder than you might think. The first time my 
son asked for help
building a racing car for Cub Scouts, I did a search on "Soapbox Derby" 
in Google.

More than half the first page results were for porn sites.


Bill Horne
William Warren Consulting

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