[Discuss] wiki suggestion?

Bill Horne bill at horne.net
Thu Jul 31 23:03:34 EDT 2014

On 7/31/2014 10:50 PM, John Abreau wrote:
> Wikipedia is based on mediawiki, which I haven't used myself, but I
> understand it's generally a good choice.

Mediawiki is a good choice for open-content, publicly accessible wikis, 
provided you have enough data to justify the overhead.

Keep in mind that Mediawiki is the engine of Wikipedia, as John 
mentioned: it's built to handle large amounts of data and large numbers 
of users. Also, it cannot be made to delivery content to a restricted 
audience: the documentation specifically warns against trying to do 
that, even though plugins are available which claim to make it possible.



E. William Horne
William Warren Consulting

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