[Discuss] DMARC issue, Yahoo and beyond

Edward Ned Harvey (blu) blu at nedharvey.com
Thu May 15 13:45:16 EDT 2014

> From: Drew Van Zandt [mailto:drew.vanzandt at gmail.com]
> Yahoo may do as they like.  Just because a solution is technically correct does
> not mean it will not have consequences.

LOL, as I said, this policy actually makes sense, and will be increasing in the future.  It's only a matter of time before google and everyone else do the same.

Worse yet:  As Derek said, and quoted from the following link, "So users of Gmail, Hotmail and other DMARC-enabled providers will not only fail to receive messages sent to the mailing list by Yahoo users, but will flood the list with bounce messages, risking to be bounced off the list themselves,"


This isn't one of those situations where you can just bury your head and pretend Yahoo doesn't exist.

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