[Discuss] Need help/consulting with apache/SSL/owncloud/mail

David Kramer david at thekramers.net
Sun Aug 7 22:40:43 EDT 2016

I specifically stayed away from "managed hosting" because I want the
ability to keep my sysadmin skills up, so I want more control. 
Configuring it back when I set up my home server was much easier
though.  I see so much conflicting information on how to do it, and
that's very frustrating.  I'll get there though. I just have so little
time to work on it.

On 08/07/2016 09:23 PM, Laura Conrad wrote:
>>>>>> "David" == David Kramer <david at thekramers.net> writes:
>     David> I've been trying to migrate mail and other things to a Linode server
>     David> (Ubuntu 14.04, ssh access).  It... hasn't been going well.
> I gave up on mail on my linode (except for mailman) and just put all the
> mail on <http://zoho.com>.  

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