[Discuss] Litebook - cheap Linux laptop

Bill Ricker bill.n1vux at gmail.com
Tue Mar 7 13:54:16 EST 2017

> hardware - quad core Atom Celeron...high end
> http://www.zdnet.com/article/litebook-launches-249-linux-laptop/

Ok, that's still a little less $ than a Refurb Lenova T420/430
(business outtakes, $300-350; of the last gen done to IBM drawings
post-split), but is it enough less to be compelling? This one is a lot
lighter and with a really thin unconvincing keyboard, all of which may
be a feature for some uses.  I'll bet the T420 has more horsepower and
has more upgrade possible, but if tablet with keyboard is goal for a
netbook light / faux chromebook, good that there are Linux native

Bill Ricker
bill.n1vux at gmail.com

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