[Discuss] Linux has 100% of Market Share.

Bill Bogstad bogstad at pobox.com
Sat Jun 9 08:32:45 EDT 2018

in the TOP 500 Supercomputer list....

So I was reading an article about how a new supercomputer at Oak Ridge
is going to put the USA back on the top of the world supercomputer

The article included a link to where to see the list and after some
looking around,
I found the following which lets you look at pie charts of various
characteristics of the 500 entries of the list: manufacturer, country,
architecture, etc...
If you select "operating system family", you will find that 100% of
the TOP 500 supercomputers run Linux.


I knew that Linux was big in supercomputing clusters, but I didn't
realize that it now owned that market.

Bill Bogstad

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