[Discuss] Question about Bitlocker and HP Probook

Jerry Natowitz j.natowitz at gmail.com
Sat Aug 8 20:37:19 EDT 2020

I realize this is not strictly a Linux/Unix question, but I just went to 
install Mint on my HP Probook, using an SD card so I would not need to 
touch the SSD.  The installation said that Windows 10 had Bitlocker 
enabled.  I don't remember ever enabling it, and I also have never 
needed to enter a Bitlocker password to boot Win10.  I went back to 
Win10 and low and behold, it says I do have Bitlocker enabled.  Can 
anyone explain what in hell HP did to this laptop?  I'm hesitant to 
disable Bitlocker, in case there is some sort of underlying firmware 
that requires it.

Thanks in advance for any guidance, and I won't repost this.

	Jerry Natowitz
===>    j.natowitz (at) gmail.com

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