[Discuss] html lock

Kent Borg kentborg at borg.org
Wed Jan 27 00:32:13 EST 2021

On 1/26/21 8:46 PM, Matthew Gillen wrote:
> If people are ripping off your content there isn't much you can do, but
> if they are making money off it (and if they aren't, then what is the
> point?) there's at least some legal recourse.

If others are stealing your data you can mark it to later make a 
complaint. Atlases have long put fake details on maps as a way to prove 
when someone steals the data. Do things like that.

If enough stealing is happening, hire a whole department to fight the 
unending fight. You can be sure Amazon has lots of people working to 
make large sale web scraping harder (but not impossible); for them it is 
worth an unending fight.


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