[Discuss] Phone company: not redpocket.com

Dan Ritter dsr at randomstring.org
Wed Sep 1 16:37:13 EDT 2021

MC wrote: 
> been using redpocket.com for 2 years, but within the last 2 weeks found
> service breaking down. Any suggestions? Many thanks. MCB

Assuming you want SIP VOIP services interconnecting with POTS;
let us know if otherwise.

Here's what I can tell you:

voip.ms: prepay money, and spend it down. Reasonably cheap.
Extremely chatty with their service notifications RSS feed,
which will tell you which of their local POPs is being upgraded,
or is being repaired, or if their customer service center is
having a bad day. Based in Canada. At least a decade of good

onsip.com, aka junction networks: would prefer to sell you
virtual PBX services but will do SIP trunks without hesitation.
Very reliable. Moderately expensive per-minute, but will sell
you an all-you-can-eat per-line if you're not operating a major
call center operation. At least 15 years of good service.

8x8, formerly Packet8: no longer does SIP trunks, but sells
relatively cheap all-you-can-eat per-line accounts, starting
at $12/month. Contributes money to Jitsi. The higher level plans
include their own Jitsi servers with SLAs.


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