[HH] interfacing home automation with security systems

Drew Van Zandt drew.vanzandt at gmail.com
Sun Jan 8 16:44:54 EST 2012

I've had similar frustrations with the HID Global proxcard controller at
the Artisan's Asylum, so I designed a PCB to replace it with a Linux-based
embedded device that speaks the same protocol so I don't have to design my
own RFID reader at the same time.  Their web interface appears to be
designed to be as irritating and clunky as possible so that you're forced
to upgrade to one of their security panels ($$$) rather than use the web

Rather than play that game, I'll make my own Weigand-interface controller
with Ethernet and open-source it.  Boards arrive in a week or so.  :-D

Drew Van Zandt
Artisan's Asylum Craft Lead, Electronics & Robotics
Cam # US2010035593 (M:Liam Hopkins R: Bastian Rotgeld)
Domain Coordinator, MA-003-D.  Masquerade aVST

On Sun, Jan 8, 2012 at 4:33 PM, Tom Metro <tmetro+hhacking at gmail.com> wrote:

> Federico Lucifredi wrote:
> > I recently ran into this
> > http://www.nutech.com/online-store/35.html
> >
> > it seems like an interesting concept:  owners of those alarm systems
> > can tap into the movement sensor data, and use that from the home
> > automation
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