[HH] [ slightly ot] Osram projector bulbs

Jerry Feldman gaf at blu.org
Tue Jun 12 08:53:31 EDT 2012

I'm try to order a replacement bulb for a Planar 6020. The bulb that is
installed is an Osram P-VIP 180-230/1.0 E17.5u, The one IBM purchasing
quoted me is P-VIP 180-230/1.0 E20.5
I don't know what the difference is on E17.5u versus E20.5. Planar is a
real pain because we have both a 6020 and a 6022 and both have different
bulb assemblies, Can any one explain the difference to me.

Jerry Feldman <gaf at blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix
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