[HH] cheapest/simplest way to control a relay from a PC

Tom Metro tmetro+hhacking at gmail.com
Sat Nov 10 14:04:41 EST 2012

David Kramer wrote:
> If you go this route, I own the book Parallel Port Complete, and you can
> borrow it (http://www.lvr.com/parprtib.htm).  It might be of some help.

I checked my bookshelf and only found "Interface to the IBM Personal

which covers the technical details of the parallel port, but only
allocates a few pages to it. (But a great book if you want to design an
ISA card. :-) ) I'm not sure if I do own "Parallel Port Complete" or if
the title is just very familiar from having ran across it many times.
Ah...found it filed under "old books" in my bookmark file, which implies
I own it, but bought it before I started buying books through Amazon.

I appreciate the loan offer, but at this point I don't think I am
lacking for options or circuits for the parallel port. There is adequate
information online.

My posting was mainly intended to request a second opinion as to whether
some other I/O port would be less effort to accomplish what I wanted to do.


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