[HH] Seeking help on Programming I2C bus in python on Raspberry Pi

Ming kuo mingtkuo at gmail.com
Wed Nov 14 11:41:20 EST 2012

Hi Guys, I was recently introduced to this group, so here is my first post.

I work/volunteer at the Southend Technology Center in Boston.  We teach
technology to kids and adults fostering interest in technology for kids and
enabling adults to be more competitive in the workforce.  We were the
original Fab Lab initiated by MIT, and continue to have a strong
relationship with MIT.  We have laser cutters, shopbot, broken 3D printer,
and teach kids to work with arduino.

I manage the computer hardware repair workshop.

So I have taken on a project (over my head) using old computer parts and
raspberry Pi.  I am trying to build a POV sign that can gather data from
the net/cloud/remotely.

I have followed this example http://www.skpang.co.uk/blog/archives/454 to
get LEDs controlled by a raspberry.  But now like to convert this to using
this http://adafruit.com/products/459 a bi-color 12 bar led (for more
colors and cleaner product)

I figured out the wiring to get the bar to light up using the same codes as
above.  So I am now ready to control the LED bar, and that is where I am
stuck...on the python code to control the I2C.  I think my too basic
knowledge of electronics and programming would be benefited by someones
help.  This is my immediate challenge to figure out how to program the I2C
for the LED bar, then eventually, I need to program a python code to POV
display the messages which i can imaging that it get pretty challenging
given how to form a character with LED while timing the rotation.

So I am looking for someone who maybe familiar with I2C to offer insight
and hopefully someone that has time to tinker on this project along with
me.  I am at the tech center typically in the afternoons till 8PM at 359
Columbus Ave in the Southend.

So any help through email or in person would be greatly appreciated.


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