[HH] cheapest/simplest way to control a relay from a PC

Tom Metro tmetro+hhacking at gmail.com
Sun Nov 18 13:28:52 EST 2012

Mark Woodward wrote:
>>> Tell us what you choose, and how it works for you in your application.
>> I wanted to prototype this using my desktop machine, rather than the
>> target server, and it doesn't have a parallel port.
> I've been following this thread for a while and I'm confused.....
> I originally thought you wanted to drive a relay from a parallel port...

Correct. That's still the plan.

> and I'm reading that you have a USB parallel printer interface, which
> you have seen is not the same thing. Let's put the engineering caps on!

It was a lengthly post, so you may have missed it, but I explained that
the only reason why I was exploring the USB option was for the
convenience of prototyping the interface using my desktop, rather than
the MythTV server located in my basement. (See quote above.)

I also noted that I anticipated issues with a USB parallel adapter.
Still, I was curious to find out what those issues would be. Now I know.
And so I shared that.


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