[HH] Raspberry PI bits

Tom Metro tmetro+hhacking at gmail.com
Tue Nov 20 14:38:56 EST 2012

Tom Metro wrote:
>   @DailyHandheld: Gertboard, an expansion board for @Raspberry_Pi , is
>   now available exclusively through element14 http://t.co/SpBybLcz
> This is the I/O expansion board mentioned on the list previously. It's
> being sold in kit form (soldering required) for $46.50:
> http://www.newark.com/element14/gertbom/gertboard-bare-pcb-w-components/dp/24W8739

Raspberry Pi Gertboard deliveries begin

  ...the expansion board has finally begun to turn up at people's doors.
  Adding a huge amount of extra capabilities to the Pi through its GPIO
  port, the Gertboard allows for many extra sensors and the ability to
  power motors and actuators.

  According to the Raspberry Pi blog, there were a couple of problems
  procuring components for the boards which resulted in the two month
  delay from announcement to shipping, but these have been apparently
  resolved. At time of writing, Farnell/element14 are out of stock, but
  they don't anticipate much of a delay until new units are in.

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