[HH] Arduino-Based Hand-Held Gaming System

Tom Metro tmetro+hhacking at gmail.com
Thu Nov 7 01:40:52 EST 2013

Seen in the CircuitCellar newsletter...an interview with James Bowman,
creator of the Gameduino.

Arduino-Based Hand-Held Gaming System

  JAMES: The original Gameduino had to use an FPGA to generate graphics,
  because in 2011 there was no such thing as an embedded GPU. It needs
  an external monitor and you had to supply your own inputs (e.g.,
  buttons, joysticks, etc.). The Gameduino 2 uses the new Future
  Technology Devices International (FTDI) FT800 chip, which drives all
  the graphics. It has a built-in color resistive touchscreen and a
  three-axis accelerometer. So it is a complete game system--you just
  add the CPU.


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