[HH] Meetup: Home Automation Technologies & Challenges, Friday (9/19)

Tom Metro tmetro+hhacking at gmail.com
Thu Sep 18 15:45:43 EDT 2014

Looks like the home automation Meetup group I previously mentioned has
scheduled their first meeting on "Home Automation Technologies &

  When building an HA product, which technology is right? ZWave, ZigBee,
  Bluetooth, WiFi, Insteon, make-your-own ... ?

  Is there a "right" technology?
  What are the costs and challenges associated with each?

  Panel: Arun Buduri and Jason Hanna. Jason is the CEO & Founder of
  Embue, a Boston-based company that has developed a connected HVAC
  controls platform which provides efficiency and monitoring services
  for building managers and HVAC professionals.

Unfortunately they've scheduled it for Friday evening in conflict with
the IoTFest event. (I noticed the "IoT: Boston/New England Internet of
Things Meetup" group had the IoTFest event on their calendar, but then
deleted it. Was that because the event filled up?)


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