[HH] Some updates from last night's lectures...

Stephen Ronan sronan at gmail.com
Thu Mar 16 20:45:10 EDT 2017

That LoRaWAN webinar... spoiler alert... highlights below...

The Semtech  fellow indicates typical accuracy of a few 10s of meters
in rural areas... 100-150 meters for urban areas... says South Korea
developed a nationwide LoRA network in 12 weeks....
A second presenter is from Comcast... What with the telcos starting
their IOT over LTE systems that Tom Metro cogently wrote about, it's
interesting to see Comcast getting heavily engaged in LoRaWAN...
Promoting tracking of kids, elderly, pets... integration with Comcast
home security systems. And says if we can get the price down enough
within a couple years, there's potential for using LoRaWAN for
tracking every mailed package in the U.S. all the way to the
customers' doors.
Third presenter is from the Netherlands... talks about tracking
bicycles right away, as well as parcels further out...

On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 3:54 PM, Stephen Ronan <sronan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Also, there's this free webinar...
> http://www.semtech.com/Press-Releases/2017/Semtech-to-Highlight-LoRa-Technology%E2%80%99s-Geolocation-Feature-in-Mobile-World-Live-Webinar.html
> I've only watched the start of it thus far...
>    - Stephen

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