[HH] free access to Amazon hosted FPGAs in the cloud

Tom Metro tmetro+hhacking at gmail.com
Wed May 3 22:13:02 EDT 2017

You can get FPGAs in the cloud now? Wow.

"Amazon EC2 F1 is a compute instance with field programmable gate arrays
(FPGAs) that you can program to create custom hardware accelerations for
your application. ... F1 instances include 16 nm Xilinx UltraScale Plus
FPGA. Each FPGA  includes local 64 GiB DDR4 ECC protected memory, with a
dedicated PCIe  x16 connection. Each FPGA contains approximately 2.5
million logic elements and approximately 6,800 Digital Signal Processing
(DSP) engines.
There is no charge for the FPGA Developer AMI or HDK, and you can
program the FPGA on your F1 instance as many times as you like with no
additional fees."

I think that is saying free developer access...so interesting
opportunity if one wanted to learn VHDL.

(I'm sure the paid service is not economical for Bitcoin mining, as that
industry has long since moved on from FPGAs to ASICs, and Amazon's
markup would kill the thin margins mining offers over the cost of power.)


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