[BLU/Officers] Please oppose the Comcast - Time Warner merger

Bill Horne bill at horne.net
Sat Mar 14 11:23:05 EDT 2015


The below email came from my brother, and I was about to pass it along to the discuss list when I realized that I don't know what the BLU's policy is on political activism. Given that Comcast -

1. Hired homeless people to pack an FCC meeting held at M.I.T.
2. Has been caught blocking ports, repeatedly, and has brazenly denied it each time
3. Throttled Netflix traffic until Netflix payed them to stop

... I feel it's a reasonable post.

Your thoughts?


Bill Horne

If you've ever paid an outrageous cable TV or Internet bill, or had horrible customer service (four-hour service call window, anyone?), then you should join me in speaking out against the Comcast-Time Warner Cable merger.

Those deciding the merger - the five appointed members of the FCC - are taking public comment right now. It's important we all speak out against this merger, because if it goes through, Comcast will control almost 60% of the nation's cable TV subscribers, and nearly 40% of the high-speed Internet market.

Where is our freedom of choice, and free-market competition, if that happens?

You can easily tell the FCC you oppose this merger by going to Consumers Union's website. They will get your comments in the record  and they must be reviewed before a decision is made.

Thank you!


E. William Horne

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