IPFS: The Interplanetary File System
Date and Time
Wednesday, August 15, 2018 from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm
MIT Building E-51, Room 335
Brian DeLacey - CryptographicHistory gmail com
IPFS is the distributed web: A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol to make the web faster, safer, and more open.
At this meeting we will dig into IPFS - the Interplanetary File System. IPFS promises to take us way beyond the World Wide Web and internet as we know it today.
IPFS builds on the early and existing technologies of the internet while unshackling today's networked constraints in areas such as “internet of things”, by connecting endpoints with a true “internet of data”. The meeting will incorporate demos as well as discussions and close by asking a simple question: Will IPFS become a fundamental cornerstone of an internet-scale OS?
During the Q&A period prior to the meeting, 6:30-7:00 PM, Brian is prepared to assist interested attendees with installing IPFS on their laptops, which will make it possible for such attendees to “surf along” during the meeting.