------------------------------- Wed Sep 18 06:26:05 PM EST 2024 ------------------------------- Transcript of Chat box from BLU meeting, Wed, Sep 18. 2024 Meeting held online via Jitsi Meet In attendance (17 total): Speaker(s): * Adam Monsen BLU officers: * John Abreau * Jerry Feldman Attendees (named): * Brandon Vogel * Brendan Kidwell * Edward Piecewicz * Emilio F Panighetti * Kurt Keville * Shankar Viswanathan * Zachary Liebl Attendees (anonymous): * Arnie * Chuba * Don/sntxrr * Gavin * hammerron * Max P * Michael I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brandon Vogel says:Speaking of homelabs: Someone in Boxborough is giving away a full rack with a couple older NetApps to play with: https://www.facebook.com/share/cEkzBSwybPzPVVHv/ Brandon Vogel says:I would go pick up myself but am too lazy. 18:49 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gavin says:I'm definitely looking forward to hearing what I can do with the thinkcentre I picked up at swap fest on sunday 18:49 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam Monsen (he/him) says:@hammeron - is your mic working? Adam Monsen (he/him) says:@hammerron I mean 18:50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gavin says:~ on the topic, blu.org still has the MIT room listed as the primary meeting location. I take it that isn't the case anymore? 18:57 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brandon Vogel says:Sadly, no. 18:57 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brendan Kidwell (NYC) says:"biggest advertiser" -- like at one point in time most of the manufactured CDs that were done in any given month were AOL 19:02 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gavin says:plan9~~ 19:04 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Abreau says:I'd love to find a speaker to give a presentation on Plan9. Anyone know of msomeone I culd invite? John Abreau says:Does anyone still use Plan9? 19:06 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brendan Kidwell (NYC) says:I know a few people who might have TRIED plan9. no promises but I'll put out some feelers. everyone else please reach out to others too 19:07 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jerry Feldman says:Thanks, it would be interesting. 19:07 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gavin says:@john 9front is the big plan9 project right now. I put it on a box I picked up at MIT swap fest to play around on it and it works shockingly well on modern hardware 19:07 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Abreau says:I wonder how well it would run in a VM. 19:07 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gavin says:seems to work fine - a lot of the 9front work is on modern hardware compat, which definitely includes vms 19:09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brandon Vogel says:The font shows just how old it is but here is Squid: http://cosmolinux.no-ip.org/raconetlinux/html/17-squid.html 19:13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gavin says:loyal gnu cash 19:14 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brandon Vogel says:Nice - I'm still the 1990's version of MS Money and REALLY need to move off it. 19:14 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael I says:Ledger. Cli duoble entry finance.😄 19:15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jerry Feldman says:assets = liabilities + owners equity 19:15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don/sntxrr says:human readable too 19:15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gavin says:1 Trillion + SQLite databases made 19:16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- hammerron says: is there a url for info on Actual? 19:18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brandon Vogel says:https://actualbudget.com/#features 19:18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- hammerron says:thanks 19:18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam Monsen (he/him) says:https://github.com/meonkeys/shb 19:20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don/sntxrr says:👍 19:22 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brandon Vogel says:excellent use of the 'time' command. 19:23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don/sntxrr says:ansible is a nice config management tool. 19:24 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael I says:👍 19:26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brendan Kidwell (NYC) says:I need a pastebin. It's on my todo list 19:26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brandon Vogel says:👍 19:26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brendan Kidwell (NYC) says:right now I just use the pastebin on my sourcehut account 19:26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don/sntxrr says:https://privatebin.seattlematrix.org/ is one I help run via docker-compose and traefik. 19:27 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael I says:Text only or also handle files? 19:27 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam Monsen (he/him) says:https://microbin.eu/ handles files 19:33 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gavin says:using it right now to a vps! Gavin says:for dns 19:35 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael I says:For a few years now, all certs must include the main name in SAN. Without this, it is not a full error, but some tools may give a warning, or more. 19:36 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brandon Vogel says:Ooh cool. Can I clip out of a browser to this? 19:42 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brendan Kidwell (NYC) says:Wallabag: if you turn on "save from the browser's view of the page" in the wallabag extension... it works if you're logged into a paywalled site Brendan Kidwell (NYC) says:I use wallabag all the time 19:43 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael I says:Sounds a little like pocket, too. 19:43 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brendan Kidwell (NYC) says:pocket, exactly. except it's your software not cloud 19:43 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael I says:Sure. 19:43 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don/sntxrr says:https://raindrop.io isn't self-hosted, but it is quite nice. 19:44 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam Monsen (he/him) says:https://github.com/hoarder-app/hoarder Adam Monsen (he/him) says:https://readeck.org/ 19:45 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Abreau says:I like a mode that strips out extra crap like advertising and vides\os, and displays just a simplified view of the article. 19:45 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael I says:For note taking, I'm pretty deep into Joplin. I think it works with back end self hosting. I like to occasionally grab articles from page here too. Michael I says:Tabs left open (by the DOZEN) 19:48 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brandon Vogel says:hahahah mostly that 19:48 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don/sntxrr says:I used Joplin for quite some time, lately Obsidian has been filling the niche for me 19:48 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brendan Kidwell (NYC) says:I looked at Obsidian a year ago and didn't like it. looked at it 10 days ago and I got hooked and I ported my last month of notes in personal + work diaries over to Obsidian. plus my Howto collection and my home IT Service Catalog. I'm sold on Obsidian Brendan Kidwell (NYC) says:I forgot i loaded my mail into NextCloud mail, and I searched for a thing and I got results from mail, Obsidian, and LibreOffice docs and I was like "oh, this is useful" Brendan Kidwell (NYC) says:I cannot use a notebook app that has an opaque file format 19:50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don/sntxrr says:Today I learned the joys of a dataview in obsidian. ```dataview LIST FROM #project ``` 19:52 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam Monsen (he/him) says:permalinks: https://cloud.example.com/f/124125 19:53 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brandon Vogel says:That's excellent. Universal search (self-hosted) could be a whole BLU talk! 19:55 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam Monsen (he/him) says:Unified search? 19:55 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brandon Vogel says:Sorry - meant search that's really deep not a particular search in NextCloud, etc. Brandon Vogel says:👍 19:58 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam Monsen (he/him) says:https://perkeep.org/ 19:59 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brandon Vogel says:"Perkeep is under active development." - They might want to update that page.... 20:00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam Monsen (he/him) says:apt update && apt full-upgrade 20:00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael I says:👍 20:08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don/sntxrr says:If you do not restore from your backup, you do NOT have a backup 20:08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam Monsen (he/him) says:TruNAS SCALE 20:11 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don/sntxrr says:proxmox on an IntelNUC has been a REALLY fun adventure for me lately. 20:11 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brandon Vogel says:It's like LFS - knowing how the stuff works under the hood is good to know even if there an easier way. 20:12 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don/sntxrr says:docker + docer compose will install on just about any linux Don/sntxrr says:I might be contributing authentik soon.😄 20:15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam Monsen (he/him) says:👏 20:16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don/sntxrr says:Do you all hve an IRC channel or Matrix channel that you chat in? The references on the website point to freenode. 20:16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brendan Kidwell (NYC) says:NixOS: you configure your packages by declarative code Brendan Kidwell (NYC) says:(I haven't tried it) Brendan Kidwell (NYC) says:I think NixOS has very cheap ephemeral jail-like containers, great for untrusted apps and build processes 20:18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Abreau says:We used to run a #blu irc channel that I only checked on evenings when we were meeting at MIT, but I haven't looked at IRC since COVID. 20:18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edward Piecewicz says:https;//blu.org/meetings/2022/10/ Edward Piecewicz says:NixOS 20:22 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jerry Feldman says:Thanks Ed. 20:24 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brendan Kidwell (NYC) says:I see people use OneNote at work. It looks great. I tried it. how the hell will you get hundreds of pages out of it?! Brendan Kidwell (NYC) says:personal diary: text files or die. 20:34 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael I says:Apple Notes are easy to export, but only if you have a Mac. Not easy on the mobile devices. Michael I says:I found I could no longer print on paper because I got so good with grafitti. 20:36 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Abreau says: I gave OneNote a try at my last job, but I didn't want to get locked into a proprietary format. I tried Tomboy Notes and GNote, which worked well for text notes but were huge memory hogs. I then tried Zim Wiki, and Zim does everything I need for note-taking. 20:38 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brendan Kidwell (NYC) says:self-promotion: I built an early official Windows installer for Zim. it's currently maintained by core devs. 20:39 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don/sntxrr says:If it works, it works. Don/sntxrr says:Don't get me started on HA Don/sntxrr says:I will talk for HOURS 20:41 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam Monsen (he/him) says:https://www.home-assistant.io/ 20:41 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don/sntxrr says:Refurbished Intel NUC was my entrypoint to Home Assistant by way of Proxmox 20:42 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brendan Kidwell (NYC) says:side note: if you want sovereignty over your smart watch, maybe look into https://banglejs.com/ . it's about $80 and runs javascript modules that connect to your phone. doesn't rely on someone's cloud. disclaimer: I haven't touched one yet. 20:43 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don/sntxrr says:I figured out how to pull my Puget Sound Energy electric and gas usage recently in Home Assistant 20:45 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam Monsen (he/him) says:https://murena.com/ Adam Monsen (he/him) says:works well with NextCloud 20:46 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brandon Vogel says:Very cool 20:46 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam Monsen (he/him) says:re: RCS/iMessage and why Signal is better: https://adammonsen.com/post/2102/ 20:48 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don/sntxrr says:I'm all about Beeper for its Matrix + integrations Don/sntxrr says:If you just have docker commands, and want to turn them into docker compose, I've used this to great effect: https://www.composerize.com/ 20:52 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brandon Vogel says:https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet/issues/9356 20:53 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don/sntxrr says:Maybe this would make it simpler? https://github.com/tusharnankani/download-jitsi-chat 20:54 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edward Piecewicz says:Thank you 20:57 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael I says:👏 20:57 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- meeting ended at 9:03 pm