------------------------------- Wed Oct 16 06:27:45 PM EDT 2024 ------------------------------- Transcript of Chat box from BLU meeting, Wed, Apr 17. 2024 Meeting held online via Jitsi Meet In attendance (14 total): Speaker(s): * Bill Ricker BLU officers: * John Abreau * Jerry Feldman Attendees (named): * Brendan Kidwell * Edward Piecewicz * Juozas Lazlauskas * Zachary Liebl Attendees (anonymous): * Anonymous (phone) * Chuba * grg * Kike S. * Malcolm S * Randall * rs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Randall says:Is there a dial-in number for this Jitsi? 18:38 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bill Ricker says:typically; it's in the Audio settings 18:39 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Randall says:Thanks I'll look 18:39 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Randall says:Ouch just went thru all the Settings and one sub-page (Calendar) sent my browser to Google (yuck!) 18:41 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Randall says:Not seeing the dial-in number in the Audio settings (or elsewhere yet, so far) but thanks anyway 18:44 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bill Ricker says:(I was probably remembering the settings tab of the other meeting I'm double booked for now that uses THAT OTHER APP. But since I'm presenting, I'm here, and will catch that on on YouTube later. Hard for me to do that with this meeting this month! 😄 ) 18:45 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Randall says:In any case I wanted to take this opportunity to say I appreciate BLU's help on the listserv. I asked about trying to set up Signal on a desktop a while ago, and although I haven't gotten it working yet, I did get suggestions from people on the listserv and I really appreciate that. Will send a followup message to the listserv once I get it working. --Randall 18:45 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jerry Feldman says:Dial-in: +1.***.***.**** PIN: **** **** **# 18:45 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Randall says:Thanks! Randall says:And really glad we're using Jit.si and not THAT OTHER APP 18:46 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bill Ricker says:👍 18:47 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edward Piecewicz says:Would per-call Caller ID blocking (dial *67 before the number) prevent that? 18:53 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bill Ricker says:possibly ... 18:54 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Randall says:Good point about viral load but death tolls from Covid are way down 18:55 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jerry Feldman says:Yes, now that the medical community has more tools as well as vaccines. 18:56 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bill Ricker says:(one still doesn't want Long Covid) 18:56 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edward Piecewicz says:I don't think it will ever be over, as one can be vaccinated and still get it. 18:56 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bill Ricker says:Correct. 18:56 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edward Piecewicz says:*67 👍 18:58 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bill Ricker says:To do installfest (or anything else) indoors safely, we'd want to have a site with excellent fresh-air-exchange or a number of portable HEPA filters or Corsi–Rosenthal Boxes. 18:58 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edward Piecewicz says: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corsi%E2%80%93Rosenthal_Box 👍 19:00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edward Piecewicz says:I'm getting Bill's audio in the BT headphones, but the brief presentation audio was from the PC speakers. 19:49 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mike S. says:The benefit of -35 degree winters? 19:53 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Abreau says:There should be a cost-effective way to scan microfiche and convert it to JPEG or TIFF images, then bundle them into PDF files. 19:59 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jerry Feldman says: https://www.scanningamerica.com/services/microfiche-scanning?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwyL24BhCtARIsALo0fSA6vzavqygMgE9--wyfklmH00y9Ayh-ZpkTDk25R0SBInHM-3vWLd8aArE0EALw_wcB 20:00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Juozas Kazlauskas Juozas Kazlauskas says:thank you and have a good evening -JK 20:09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jerry Feldman says:Thanks for atgtending 20:09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Abreau says:Found a scanner on Amazon that can scan microfiche. $159. 20:14 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Randall says:thanks, goodnight 20:15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mike S. says:And then the main market for extracted CO2 is to inject into oil fields to pull out more. 20:18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edward Piecewicz says:Thank you. 20:19 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- meeting ended at 08:32:57 PM