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More RedHat ickyness... maybe


I think I've finally settled on a working DNS server configuration for
home.  However, I once again blew several hours mucking around with
/etc/named.boot not realizing that I had to run it through a filter
to generate /etc/named.conf (/usr/doc/bind-???????/

I will concede that this is probably just a newer `named` convention
and I need to catch up with the times, but I am in a mode to blame
RedHat and their retarded /etc/rc.d/init.d tricks to auto configure
things for me.

Will any BIND experts please step forward to offer a comment on the
newer named.conf configuration file.

BTW, I'm planning to host March's BLU meeting to talk about SAMBA.
Any early questions which I can prepare for?  I'd like to demo samba-2.x
on Linux with a Win95 laptop (do we need printers?)

| christoph
| linuxguy at

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