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[Fwd: Re: RCN vs Mediaone cable modem experiences?]

> > Their  model  of  the
> > Internet  is that it's a new kind of TV, and it exists so that we can
> > download things.  The Internet wasn't built by Bill Gates (or was  it
> > Al Gore?) so that we can share our files with friends, set up our own
> > mailing lists, run network database programs,  or  other  such  nerdy
> > things. They are supplying "blindingly fast" access to the latest Hot
> > Babes and/or online marketing services, and anything else is a misuse
> > of the Internet.  This is, of course, not a surprising attitude for a
> > cable-TV company.
> Ah, there's the rub:  when you cut to the chase, it comes down to
> corporate attitude.  Cable companies have historically had terrible
> customer service records, since they were never in a business where
> lives are at stake.  As an employee of a well-known 
> "baby bell", I can attest to how much of a difference it makes when
> you're used to dealing with 911 service, doctor's offices, pharmacies,
> fire departments, police departments, etc.

	I think the more important point and cause of poor customer
service is that up until 4 or 5 years ago or so, cable was considered a
natural monopoly, and therefore had *ZERO* competition in whatever market
they were in.  You didn't like their service, you could go back to using
your rabbit ears.

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