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KDE question on SuSE

	right now we have kde 1.1.1. In 4/6 weeks we will have kde 1.1.2
(hopfully 1.2, I hate all this X.Y.Z.T.W). 1.1.1 is much better than kde
1.0. As usual 1.2 will be even better (speed and memory managment +
icons, themes and other utilities....)

I don't know gnome, I'm sorry :(

The complain with the wm is not valid though:
kde can be used with a other wm that is not kwm (blackbox, ICEwm and

GNOME is wm clean: you have to use one that is not provided by
gnome....ok ok, it cames with E, but you can use gnome with fvwm or
either kwm soooo.... yeah I can have the same complain (the "i.e.
dimensions when you resized a window") that you had for kde....

But, I repeat, I don't know GNOME and I respect the work of both....

Hope this help

Derek Martin wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Aug 1999, Jerry Feldman wrote:
> > Also, is there anyone out there who has used both KDE and GNome. I would
> > like to get an opinion.
> >
> Yep.  I like gnome better.  KDE's window manager was missing some things
> last time I used it (i.e. dimensions when you resized a window) and KDE is
> in general more of a resource hog than Gnome.
> I last used KDE 1.0 I believe, and I think the current version is 1.1, so
> I'm not sure how my criticisms stand up, but I'm sticking with Gnome
> nonetheless.
> Derek D. Martin   |  UNIX System Administrator
> derek at  |  dmartin at
> -
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