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One way cable modems

I was recently asked a question about one way cable modems. Some cable modem
installations use the cable modem to download, and dialup to upload because
the broadband cable tv hardware does not have two way capability. My
question is more on what techniques are they using? Do they actually use PPP
for the dialup to establish a connection and assign an ip address for the
cable modem. Or, do they assign a static IP for the cable modem. The person
who asked me is in the midwest, and uses Mediaone. I would assume that the
routing table would be set up with ppp as the interface for the network and
default gateway, but with eth0 set up simply as an interface, so all
outgoing traffic would be routed to the ppp interface, but that is an
assumption only.  

Jerry Feldman (HP On-Site Consultant)
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