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DNS problem? Maybe?

Sorry to be Johnny one note lately...

I'm still struggling with having both a linux box and an NT serve web
pages on my little network here.

We finally decided to let the linux box process all the perl from the NT
box, that's no big deal. But I am having trouble granting access to the
outside world to the NT box...let me explain:

Our internal network here uses 192.168.1.* IP's. The linux server dials
out and establishes the modem with a real world IP address. The eth0
still maintains it's address (which the rest of the
network uses as a gateway with IP masq installed).

Each time the modem drops a connect and re-connects, I run a script that
gets the new IP address (they are dynamically assigned) and writes it to
a file which then gets FTP'd up to our "real" webserver. Where some of
our outside sales/cantractors people can link directly into our internal

All that works fine.

Now, I mount the NT machine to our web directory, so if you were
connecting to it from outside you would go to http://<current ip

But when the link is activated, the browser starts looking for the
server churchill (which is the name of the linux server). Why is that?
Is there a way I can tell the link not to resolve the server name. I'm a
bit lost so I may not even be asking the right questions. I may be so
far off track I need a compass and a sherpa.

Any and all suggestions will be gratefully accepted :)

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