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[BLU] Re: linux-ppc sig?

On Tue, 14 Mar 2000, Anthony J. Gabrielson wrote:

> 	Distro's for the 6100 are really easy - there is one whole choice,
> MKLinux.  MKLinux isn't bad a bit out of date but not so bad.  I haven't
> had an oppurtunity to fully tear into it, with classes and all.  It comes
> with a book and two cds.  Its based on RH 5.0, its not bad. The book is
> helpful.

Yup - he's right so far as I can tell. other Linux distributions
for the Mac that I know of, Yellow Dog Linux 
(, LinuxPPC (, and
SuSE Linux ( - currently in beta) only run on PCI-based
Power Macs, so the 6100, 7100, and 8100 (and some other more obscure
models) are out of luck. (There's another distribution called Power Linux,
but it's in Japanese, so I can't provide any info on that.)

Info on MkLinux is available at - including links
for downloading it.

Mark J. Dulcey               mark at
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