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Video of BLU events available online?

OK, I'll look into various average bandwidth requirements,
tools etc for each of the formats.  I'm very interested
in having a streaming format(s) available.  These are
more efficient for low-bandwidth-connection users.

I'm looking into helping out with some media serving
capacity for BLU.  Will get back to you soon.


John Abreau wrote:

> Ideally I'd like to see the thing taped onto mini-DV tapes; I'm planning
> on putting together a video studio in the fall, once MacOS X Aqua is
> available. On the other hand, for the immediate future I'd say anything
> of decent quality is better than nothing.
> As for putting the results on the web, I'd primarily want to put up
> a downloadable MPEG-1 file (or a set of files, for easier downloading).
> I suppose downloadable realmedia and/or quicktime (with a video codec
> that works with linux; i.e. no sorensen codec) would also be nice.
> I found a bunch of web sites with tons of these resources; I'll try
> to throw up a page of links on later today.
> Note that MPEG-1 is about 320x240 (VHS quality). MPEG-2 is about 640x480
> (DVD quality). DV resolution is a little bit higher than MPEG-2. I expect
> the MPEG-2 files would be way too big, but the MPEG-1 files might be
> reasonable. In the worst case, if we run out of space on the server,
> we could always offer the mpeg files on CDR disks at the meetings.
> A streaming format would be a nice addition to the downloadable file, but
> I think we'd need a beefier machine to run a streaming server of any kind.
> Our current machine is a P133,and I doubt it could handle the extra
> load. Of course, I haven't researched the streaming video tools, so I
> could easily be making some wrong assumptions here.
> I'm trying to arrange for a second server for new projects like this; I'll
> post an announcement if/when it looks imminent.
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