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.asp viewer

Hi guys,
	I'm not a Windows expert, but a friend of mine asked for some help:
He is developing a small database accessible via internet that allows
users to insert, modify and search data. Its main purpose is for
internal surveys.
They are using FrontaPage 2000 but it generates .asp files and they do
not know how to visualize them.
I thought netscape was able to use them but...

Ah!.. I was going to suggest a full blown of Linux + Apache + Perl +
MySQL but it looks like FrontPage 2000 is their only available tool.

Any idea or any suggestion on how to help him??



  Massimo Morin                                _...__..-'
mmorin at                          .'
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 (617) 512 0203 c                        .'   Airline 
                                       .'    Solutions 
            .------._                 ;        Today
      .-"""`-.<')    `-._           .'     
     (.--. _   `._       `'---.__.-'
      `   `;'-.-'         '-    ._     Scheduling Systems Inc.
        .--'``  '._      - '   .       Three University Office Park
         `""'-.    `---'    ,          95 Sawyer Road
 ''--..__      `\                      Waltham, 02453 Massachusetts USA
         ``''---'`\      .'            +1 (781) 893-0390 x 126
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Software Engineer    `'.
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