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WordPerfect OS2000 Installation

On Sun, 28 May 2000, David P. Greenberg wrote:
> Once upon a time, Randall Hofland spake thus:
> >I've discovered that my new Corel WP office suite will not install
> >on SuSE 6.4 using their Install utility. It bumps up a Red Hat
> >infowindow and is looking for the glibc "6" library version 2.0 or 2.1
> >and then kills the install.
> >    I can manually install the parts but I'm curious why the installer
> >does not see the existing glibc library. Any suggestions?
> >
> >-
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> --
> The problem's obvious. See on the front of the box where it says
> "Corel"....

I'm not sure what you are getting at here, unless you are trying to say it
designed to works with Corel Linux and no other.  Well it installs and runs
fine on Redhat.  Oh, your bashing Corel, well they have contributed a lot to
the wine project and I think they deserve some respect.

Which reminds me, I have a box set of WordPerfect 8 personal edition that I
don't need anymore.  If anyone wants it I'll sell it for $10.  Basicly It's the
download version plus a 700 page printed manual.  I think also has a
few extra things that aren't in the download version like additioanl clipart,
 more fonts, etc


Frank J. Ramsay
fjr at

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