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Request for advice on computer purchasing

Exit 30 on Route 128 is DEFINITELY not in Woburn, you probably mean
Washington Street which I believe is Exit 36 or so (just south of I-93).
Electronic Planet used to be in that mall but in now on Route 101 in
Nashua/Amhearst, NH. But there is a store in that mall (next to Woodworkers
Warehouse) that is just before Staples and CompUSA; it sells used equipment
but does not include a sales receipt or warranty. I have only had one clearly
bad component in the several purchased but I was SOL for a refund. Best to
carefully test items before purchase. Better deals are probably found at the
MIT flea.

"David P. Greenberg" wrote:

> What's the name of that place off exit 30 on 128? The place next to Active
> Electronics, in Woburn?
> David P. Greenberg
> Bitco Electronics
> "In Service to the Recording Industry"
> **Rock on with glowing glass**
> -
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