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servers [T20000919006H] (fwd)

Just to clarify things.

- Evan S. |

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 06:24:58 -0400
From: cablemodemhelp at
To: kaworu at
Subject: Re: servers [T20000919006H]

      Thank you for writing to us.  So that we may serve you
      better, please select "Reply" on your email program,
      keeping a copy of previous correspondence with us in
      your response.  If you are writing from another account
      please include your userid or full email address.

custrel-reply at wrote:
> Sender          : kaworu at
> Tracking Number : T20000919006HZ629737
> Pool            : RCN Cable Modem Support
> Sent to         : cablemodemhelp at
> Date            : 9/19/00 6:24 AM
> ---
> What is your policy on running non-commercial web servers or mail servers
> on your computer?
> Thanks,
> - Evan S. |

Hello, Evan,

	Generally, it is not permitted, due to bandwidth concerns.  However,
you are free to run such a server if you wish, although we cannot offer
technical support for it.  Please be forewarned that we do not at this
time offer static IP addresses for cable modem accounts (although such a
feature is coming), and therefore the cable modem's IP address may
change if needed by the network administrators.
	Thank you very much.

RCN Customer Service

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