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DNS registration problems

I recently registered a new domain through, and I'm having
trouble with their support. Their server refuses to accept my DNS server,
and when I email them about it, they tell me my DNS server isn't
"registered", that they can't find it in WHOIS. I've gone back and forth
with them several times, and they keep repeating this, and ignoring my
requests to explain what they mean.

As I see it, I'm asking them to register my DNS server in WHOIS, so it
makes no sense for them to refuse because it's not already registered.

Has anyone else run into this sort of problem? Given the dead silence I'm
getting from these guys, what can I do to get this corrected?

John Abreau / Executive Director, Boston Linux & Unix 
ICQ#28611923 / AIM abreauj / Email jabr at

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