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SSH security question

If you can tie it down to a particular address, do.  On the other hand, if
you have no particularly valuable information, and you want to be able to
get to it from anywhere, leave it open.  I have a box out on the net that
is open from anywhere, and other boxes that are only accessible from
particular places.


On Tue, 27 Mar 2001, David Kramer wrote:

> For those of you that use ssh to connect to their machines at home from
> elsewhere, do you have your firewall set up to accept ssh from anywhere,
> or only from where you usually use it, like work?
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> DDDD   David Kramer         
> DKK D  "All my life, I always wanted to be somebody.
> DK KD  Now I see that I should have been more specific."
> DDDD                                       - Lily Tomlin
> -
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