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Red Hat Linux 7.1 (for alpha/sparc)

When will it be out for the sparcitecture?  Anyone know?  I could not find
.iso's anywhere.

I don't have an alpha, but I am curious as to the lag time between
architectures in a given release.  I know they are after market share in the
server space, but maybe x86 is where that's at?  Anyone?

Chuck Young
Internet Systems Engineer,
New England Region
Genuity, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-discuss at Blu.Org [mailto:owner-discuss at Blu.Org]On Behalf Of
Numberwhun *****
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 12:20 PM
To: discuss at Blu.Org
Subject: Red Hat Linux 7.1

I don't know if anyone here has had the chance to download or install Red
Hat 7.1 with the new 2.4.2-2 kernel, but last night I did.  I have not begun
a search for bugs yet, but I must say that I am happy with the install,
without modification.  It supported my sound card (Sound Blaster Live) right
out of the box.  This is the first distribution to have a driver already.
In fact, it supported all the hardware on my computer, from the install
probe (BTW, I am running it on an HP Pavillion 8665c).
They did some slight modifications to the anaconda installer.  Mostly
cosmetic, but it now has a section to allow you to configure the installed
firewall software.  Not too shabby.  Oh well, I guess I will look for others
comments.  Have a great day!


Jeff Kirkland

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