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Problems with Star Office

I did think of setup, but did not get around to it. Thanks, that fixed the 
problem. I thimk yesterday the world was plotting against me:
1. Could not run Star Office to print final exams for my class.
2. Noone at work had star office installed.
3. Went home, printed the exams. Converted the exam and lecture to 
.doc and .ppt.
4. CD ROM would not work. I wanted to reinstall the jre. 
5. Went to Northeastern and forgot the exams. 
6. Went to the classroom to print them and discovered no paper. 
7. Classroom was 84 degrees.
In any case, I scrounged the paper and finished printing the exams. The 
CD ROM started working when I arrived at Northeastern. Just one of 
those days :-) 
On 30 May 2001, at 15:24, Brad Noyes wrote:

> On Tue, May 29, 2001 at 09:50:13AM -0400, Jerry Feldman wrote:
> > I should be able to reinstall without losing any files, but I'm
> looking for 
> > suggestions. 
> > I did check and clear the lock file. I checked ownership and
> permissions 
> > of all files in my home directory. 
> You should only need to use the repair option. No need to uninstall, and
> reinstall here. I have used the repair option in star office's setup
> script a
> bunch of time without any problems.
> --brad

Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
Associate Director
Boston Linux and Unix user group
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