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connectivity issues

   DynamicIP DHCP lease or not, I find all this "connectivity"
discussion most
interesting. While I wait impatiently for my own fast connection to
so I can set up my own operation, I seem to see that the service
providers are
working diligently to block the use of such connections for anything but
the most
mediocre and limited of home surfing options. Meanwhile, Verizon seems
to be
determined to prevent other options for home based e-commerce businesses
they are overly costly and burdensome.
    As such, I am beginning to lean towards oppressive regulation of
telecommunications providers (baby bells and cable media companies in
so that they are absolutely forced to open up their backbone networks to
competitors rather than allowed to bleed to death those same competitors
as they
seem to have successfully done over the past few years.
    The open availability and reasonable pricing of internet options is
essential for small businesses in particular. We must ensure that a
mentality doesn't overwhelm that freedom. As such, I am curious just how
many out
there in BLU land have found their services for external users blocked
for some
reason by the broadband ISPs and the how's and why's it was done.


Note: I already sent this once but to the wrong BLU address. This is old
news for Jerry. Sorry.

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