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connectivity issues

Yeah, I tried that when our little set of towns relicenced Adelphia late
last year. Guess what? Money talks! I have to wait for the next election
cycle to dun the selectmen for their signing the contract. And STILL no
cable modem service! We NEED to be much more vocal on this issue during the
election cycle, and elect only officials that will ensure that the
monopolies are reined in.

ccb at wrote:

> Cable companies are licenced by municipality.  Every couple of years
> your local town board gets to make the cable company jump through
> hoops to be allowed to continue to provide service to the locals.
> Guess what...  next time AT&T Cable's licence comes up for renewal in
> Arlington, I'll be there with a bunch of other Arlington geeks to make
> sure that unhindered internet service be a prerequisite for licence
> renewal.
> Perhaps we can use Slashdot to make sure that this is done as a
> concerted effort in municipalities everywhere.
> ccb
> --
> Charles C. Bennett, Jr.                 VA Linux Systems
> Systems Engineer, SourceForge OnSite    25 Burlington Mall Rd., Suite 300
> Eastern US/Eastern Canada               Burlington, MA 01803-4145
> +1 617 543-6513                         +1 877 VA LINUX
> ccb at               

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